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Leading the field in skin resurfacing is Sciton, whose MicroLaserPeel treatment is a varying intensity skin peel that combats the signs of aging, acne, and sun damage among other skin issues. Learn more about how a MicroLaserPeel with Jiva Med Spa can improve the elasticity and health of your skin. schedule consultation
The field of skincare, and more specifically aesthetic skin surgery has advanced significantly over the past half a century. One of the procedures that has stood the test of time is laser resurfacing. Today, laser resurfacing procedures hardly resemble those of previous decades. Thanks to advanced laser technologies and creative techniques, clients see results more quickly and with less downtime.
Specific to aging caused by sun damage and photoaging, MicroLaserPeel is a facial peel that removes the topmost layer of skin and thereby removes the wrinkles associated with those top layers. A professional will discuss with you the depths to which they believe dermis removal will be successful and necessary. While this sounds invasive, this is one of the least invasive anti-aging procedures available today, and patients typically have little to no downtime between their surgery and their everyday life.
Prior to the procedure, the patient will meet with one of our specialists at our Jiva Med Spa to determine a personalized MicroLaserPeel plan. On the day of the treatment, the patient will come in 45 minutes prior to the procedure itself and will apply an anesthetic cream to the face, though with more minor procedures the anesthetic won’t be needed. Most patients describe any discomfort as a feeling like the snapping of a rubber band in the area that is being treated.
Depending on the size of the area being treated, the treatment could take anywhere from a few minutes to a half an hour. While our practice strives to provide the most long-term treatments for their customers, most will need multiple MicroLaserPeels before they achieve the results that they are looking for.
Prior to treatment, patients can go about their everyday lives without discomfort and with little alteration. As with many skin treatments, the face must be given time to heal without makeup on it. However, makeup can be worn as soon as two days after the treatment.
the results speak for themselves
Microdermabrasion, another popular procedure, only removes the topmost layer of skin. While this works for “polishing,” it is not as finely-tuned or long-lasting as MicroLaserPeel.
Automated scanning and customizable depth of treatment (up to 50um)
This procedure can be combined with additional techniques, like BBL™ + ProFractional, and SkinTyte™ + ProFractional.
What areas of the body can MicroLaserPeel treat? All areas of the body can be damaged by the sun, which means that all areas of the body can be treated by a MicroLaserPeel treatment. Most commonly, the face, shoulders, chest, neck, and back of the hands are treated. While these areas feel distinctly different, all that are treated should experience tolerable to no pain.
Will my results be immediately seen? All results of plastic surgeries vary, regardless of the experience of the surgeon. This is because each body heals differently, and each patient adheres to different levels of post-surgery care. If you follow the instructions given to you by your surgeon, which usually include avoiding direct sunlight and using full-coverage sunscreen, you should notice results within weeks. Other factors that impact outcomes include the number of times that you are seen, the type of skin affliction that is being treated, and the area that is being treated.
What is post-treatment like? Post-treatment will be unique to each patient, but patients can expect not to have to use any form of bandages after surgery. Ointment should be applied according to the surgeon’s recommendation, and direct UV contact should be avoided to reduce healing time and sensitivity. Ointment is only used for a few days, after which regular moisturizer can be used to aid in healing.
Why MicroLaserPeel with Jiva Med Spa? Jiva Med Spa is a leader in aesthetic surgeries in central Ohio but sees patients from all over the Midwest. By visiting Jiva Med Spa in Dayton or Columbus, you will notice the difference. We work with only the most cutting-edge technologies and are trained and certified to use the tools crafted by Sciton systems. Additionally, all the treatments that we provide are catered toward long-term results and the best intentions for our clients.
For more information, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today.
Our physicians in a consultation determine an microlaser peel treatment plan for each new patient, accounting for the desired outcome and time available for healing. We will discuss pre op precautions, such as stopping retinoids and acid treatments 3 days prior and taking Valtrex if you have a history of fever blisters or cold sores.
The procedure is gentle, non-invasive, and safe. There should be minimal or no discomfort, however this varies from patient to patient and depends on the depth of the treatment. An anesthetic cream applied 45 minutes prior to your treatment, may be used if so desired to minimize any treatment associated discomfort. Your physician will recommend the best options during consultation.
The treatment involves precise removal of the epidermis at a depth predetermined by your physician. Pinpoint bleeding may occur with deeper depths. Patients often describe a slight stinging sensation, like the snapping of a rubber band, in the treated areas. Most individuals find this to be very tolerable. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of the procedure performed.
When the skin is treated with the Sciton Erbium laser, a clean, layer-by-layer vaporization of the skin occurs. The undesired skin literally evaporates due to the high water content of the epidermis. The laser is, therefore, best-suited for those skin conditions which are superficial in nature, such as fine lines and wrinkles, blotchiness (or dark and light patches), keratoses (pre-cancers), scaling, acne scarring, etc. The skin in these conditions is resurfaced or “rejuvenated” by the vaporizing action of the laser.
The patient looking for better results than microdermabrasion or light chemical peels can offer, yet, still has little time for the healing process.
Generally, Microdermabrasion only removes the outer layer (stratum corneum, 10-15 microns) of the skin. Although Microdermabrasion is an ideal “polishing” procedure, more long-term visible effects require deeper peeling. The MicroLaserPeel is a minimal-to-full epidermal peel (4-50 microns). Because this procedure goes deeper into the epidermis, it is the perfect step between Microdermabrasion and deeper peels.
Typically, the procedure is repeated 2-4 times, spaced 6-8 weeks apart, but many peels may be done to achieve the desired result. One procedure could be sufficient for at least 6 to12 months, but additional procedures can be performed as required. A package of three to four treatments may be best for you. This will be discussed during your consultation.
Smoother, healthier more vibrant skin. You will notice a significant and immediate change in skin texture and tightness.
A topical anesthetic, if necessary, is applied thirty to 45 minutes before the procedure.
No! MicroLaserPeel™ is NOT like a CO2 or deep chemical peel and requires nothing more than a protective ointment such as Aquaphor or Vaseline. This is used as a barrier to keep the air away from your skin while you grow new epithelium (like baby skin cells). You will probably use it for one to two days. After that, a moisturizer can be used.
The healing process varies from patient to patient but will generally take from two to four days. The procedure can be performed on Thursday or Friday and you can return to work the following Monday. Immediately following the procedure you will feel as if you have a bad sunburn. You will have minor sloughing and itchiness the following day. By day two, redness will begin to fade and by day three any redness can be easily covered by makeup. We will advise you on how best to protect your skin to maintain the benefits you will see from your MicroLaserPeel.
Any area of your body can be treated. The most common areas are those most exposed to the damaging effects of sun light. The most popular treatments are for the face, neck, back of the hands, chest and shoulders.
Erythema, edema, and a sunburn sensation may be noticed in the treatment area for up to twelve hours after treatment. This is a purely ablative procedure. Swelling should be present only as a short-term response. Patients undergoing 40-50 micron ablation may choose to sleep sitting upright the first night after the procedure to avoid swelling of facial tissues. Often tissue will peel or flake as a result of the ablation. Peeling or flaking usually occurs after 24 -48 hours.
It is important to follow your physician’s instructions. We will recommend skin care products and provide instructions on how to use them. These will minimize your risk of inflammation or redness and ensure the shortest healing time. Within weeks, your treated skin will feel smoother, fine wrinkles and pores will be less noticeable, and sun spots or uneven pigmentation will fade. Results depend on your condition, the number of treatments, and the area treated. Your physician will provide you with complete information about the post treatment care and results. You will be sensitive to ultra-violet light and you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. Sun tanning and tanning beds should be avoided for 1 month before and after each BBL session. A broad spectrum sunblock with zinc oxide and/ or titanium dioxide as the primary ingredients should be used on a daily basis.
Most require multiple treatments. This depends on the desired results and depth of treatment. This peel can be adjusted for a few deep treatments with some downtime or multiple lighter treatments with less downtime.
This procedure is offered
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