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Utilizing advanced infrared light technology and patient-tailored filters, SkinTyte II renews one’s collagen foundation leading to increased skin firmness. It is safe and works for all skin types. schedule consultation
The process can predictably, effectively, and comfortably treat any area of the body where skin tightening is desired resulting in a firmer and more youthful appearance.
SkinTyte II is available on the JOULE platform system or a standalone BBLs. SkinTyte II delivers uniform and deep heating to effectively coagulate soft tissue. It is noninvasive and patients can resume their regular activities immediately following a treatment. In addition, SkinTyte II offers fast, safe and effective treatments for every skin type making it the most cost-effective skin firmness product in Columbus and Dayton, Ohio.
SkinTyte II utilizes advanced infrared light technology, and patient tailored filters to deeply heat dermal collagen while continuously protecting the treated epidermis with sapphire contact cooling for optical clinical endpoints, safety and comfort. With no need for a topical anesthetic, the energy is delivered in rapid, gentle pulses to promote contraction and partial coagulation of the collagen, initiating the body’s natural healing process, leading to increased tissue firming.
SkinTyte II’s large 15 x 45 mm spot size and rapid repetition rate allows you to maximize your practice revenue by reducing treatment time. Physicians can also quickly treat small areas with ease with the magnetic Finesse Adapters, available in three convenient sizes, 15 x 15 mm square and 11 mm and 7 mm round.
SkinTyte II’s treatments use selective thermolysis. That is, the procedure uses infrared energy to deeply heat dermal collagen. More specifically, it deeply penetrates and heats one’s skin with pulsed light keeping the entire treated area protected.
Stated another way, SkinTyte II deeply heats dermal collagen while continuously protecting other treated epidermis with sapphire contact cooling for optimal clinical results, safety, and comfort. There is no need for an anesthetic of any kind as the energy is delivered in rapid gentle pulses to promote contraction and partial coagulation of the collagen. This initiates the body’s natural healing process that leads to increased tissue firming. This is all done rapidly and comfortably with no loss of time for the patient. The end result is a pain-free youthful appearance.
SkinTyte II employs a large 15 x 45 mm spot treatment size and its rapid repetition rate allows practitioners to drastically reduce treatment time. In addition, practitioners can easily and quickly treat small areas with the magnetic Finesse Adapters that are available in three convenient sizes: 15 x 15 mm square and 11 mm and 7 mm round. SkinTyte II also has an integrated thermoelectric monitoring assembly that enables its sensors, including its sapphire crystal assembly, to constantly and precisely maintain temperatures from 0 °C – 30 °C. This temperature range is adjustable between every degree and patients will maintain high comfort levels throughout the treatment. During this heating process, the skin is kept at a cool temperature at all times with powerful cooling.
The patient experiences SkinTyte II’s light energy as it is delivered in a sequence of pulses. The pulses will be repeated over a given treatment area to ensure thorough coverage to achieve the best results. The face and neck usually require a 30-minute session. The treatment is not painful steroids might be prescribed.
Treatment Varies From Patient-to-Patient Although there is no need for a topical or another type of anesthetic, some physicians may choose to use one in areas that are more sensitive. This is not often the case but it may be appropriate for some patients.
The number of treatments needed varies from patient-to-patient and a plan based on the level of the desired improvement may be developed. We may personalize a treatment based on an individualized plan. SkinTyte II treatments may be combined with other popular aesthetic procedures to further personalize one’s treatment goals.
SkinTyte ll Treatments Are Safe SkinTyte II treatments can also be performed on any area of skin. The most popular areas include the face, neck, arms, and abdomen. You can consult with us regarding the options that are best suited for you.
After the treatments, one may experience some mild redness in the treated area immediately after the treatment, but this should return to normal coloration within a few minutes. Given that SkinTyte II treatments are noninvasive, patients can resume normal activities immediately following a treatment. It is also safe to apply makeup and sunscreen after each treatment.
SkinTyte II treatment results can vary among patients. The SkinTyte II procedures are recommended for patients who want moderate and noticeable skin improvements without resorting to surgery. Complete results often take up to four months since the collagen foundation of one’s skin is rebuilt and strengthened over time.
After the healing process, a special skin care regimen is not required. However, one should always protect their skin by using a capable sunscreen when exposed to direct sunlight. One should consult their physician if an “at home” skincare regimen is desired. Contact Jiva Med Spa to schedule a consultation today!
*Treatment results depicted or described may vary and are not guaranteed.
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