BioTe Medical hormone pellet therapy can help you restore the balance of hormones that regulate body functions, overall health, wellness, and vitality. How To Reclaim Your Health, Wellness, And Vitality Through Hormone Therapy BioTe Medical hormone pellet therapy can help you by restoring your body’s optimal hormone balance, you can significantly increase your natural health, wellness, and mid-life vitality. The human body is an amazing thing. Our cells completely replace themselves every 7-10 years, and scientists have recently discovered how to harness the immune system’s power to naturally attack and kill cancer cells. As a society, we have made major leaps and bounds in our understanding of the human body and how it functions, but there is undoubtedly more information that’s yet to be uncovered. One subject that continues to be of significance in the field of medical research are hormones, specifically the many ways in which hormones contribute to overall health, wellness, and vitality during every stage of human life. What Are Hormones? Hormones are natural chemical messengers produced by the body’s endocrine system, released into the bloodstream, and used by other organs and systems to stimulate their functions. According to News Medical, some important functions of hormones include: Development and growth Metabolism of food Sexual function and reproductive health Cognitive function and mood Body temperature and thirst regulation However, as we age, the way in which our body systems operate naturally changes. Some target tissues become less sensitive to the hormones that control them, and the supply of hormones produced by the endocrine system also begins to fluctuate. When hormone levels are out of balance, they can wreak havoc on the body and induce very uncomfortable symptoms in both women and men. What Happens When Hormones Are Out Of Balance? Since major bodily processes are so dependent on hormonal regulation, even a microscopic surplus or deficiency can have a major impact on how we feel and function. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance include weight gain, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, and decreased libido – just to name a few! Hormone levels can become unbalanced for a number of reasons, including lifestyle and environmental factors, in addition to medical conditions such as diabetes and autoimmune disorders. According to Web MD, there is even evidence that less sunlight during fall and winter prompts the brain to make less serotonin, a key hormone that makes us feel happy. This condition is also known as “Seasonal Affective Disorder,” and it can cause mood-related symptoms such as depression, loneliness, and anxiety. Although there are many circumstances that may contribute to a hormonal imbalance, the most common reason by far is simply the natural aging process, also known as menopause in women and andropause in men. For Women: What Is Menopause? Menopause is a normal stage of life that all women experience in their 40s and 50s. Biologically, menopause signals the end of a woman’s fertility window, when they can no longer get pregnant. According to Web MD, “A woman is born with a finite number of eggs, which are stored in the ovaries.” The ovaries are responsible for producing estrogen and progesterone hormones, which control ovulation and menstruation cycles. Therefore, menopause occurs when the ovaries stop releasing eggs, and monthly menstruation ends. Normal menopause happens after the age of 40, and it occurs in three different stages: PerimenopausePerimenopause typically begins several years before actual menopause, when the ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. In the last 1-2 years of perimenopause, the lack of estrogen becomes more noticeable and many women develop symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, irritability, reduced libido, and urinary incontinence. MenopauseMenopause “officially” starts 12 months after woman’s last period, when the ovaries stop releasing eggs altogether. According to the National Institute on Aging, during the menopausal transition, the body’s production of hormones slows down, bones become less dense, and the body begins to use energy differently. Therefore, women may notice unintentional weight gain. PostmenopausePostmenopause is the period of time after menopause when uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue begin to dissipate as hormonal fluctuations level out. However, health risks associated with low estrogen (i.e. osteoporosis and heart disease) continue to rise. A woman will remain in the postmenopause stage for the rest of her life. For Men: What Is Andropause? Andropause – or “male menopause,” as it’s commonly known – describes age-related changes in male-specific hormone levels. The condition is also sometimes referred to as a “testosterone deficiency.” According to Healthline, testosterone is a hormone produced in the testes, but it does much more than fuel sex drive and hair growth. Testosterone also fuels body changes during puberty, mental and physical strength, and helps to regulate the all-important fight-or-flight response. Unlike menopause, andropause does not occur in all men, and it also doesn’t completely shut down the male reproductive system. However, that’s not to say its symptoms are any more pleasant. Andropause symptoms in men are similar to menopause symptoms in women, and they typically include low energy, depression, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, hair loss, and decreased testicle size. How Can People Alleviate Symptoms Of Menopause And Andropause? It’s important to note that menopause and andropause is not a “sickness” that can be cured – rather, it’s a very normal part of the human aging process. That said, their accompanying symptoms can have a severe impact on overall health, wellness, and mid-life vitality. Thankfully, there are many doctor-recommended suggestions people can take to help alleviate their symptoms – or at least make life more enjoyable. According to Healthline, there are 11 all-natural remedies that women and men can follow: Eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D Achieve and maintain a healthy weight Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables Avoid trigger foods (i.e. caffeine and alcohol) Exercise regularly Eat foods that are high in phytoestrogens (i.e. compounds that naturally occur in plants) Drink enough water Reduce refined sugar and processed foods Don’t skip meals Eat protein-rich foods Take natural supplements For many men and women going through menopause and andropause, sitting back and letting nature take its course is simply not an option. Although diet, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle changes can definitely help to ease symptoms, some people want to experience more immediate, reliable relief from man-made medical innovations. Enter: Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. What Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy? According to Cleveland Clinic, “bioidentical hormones are defined as man-made hormones that are very similar to the hormones produced by the human body.” Additionally, bioidentical hormones are used as a treatment for men and women whose own hormones – usually estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone – are low or out of balance due to menopause, andropause, or other life changes. Watch Jiva Med Spa’s Medical Director Explain The Benefits Of Hormone Therapy “We look at your numbers, and we customize it for you as an individual, at your age and with your lifestyle. So, then I know what your potassium should be, your sodium, your testosterone, your estrogen, your progesterone, your B12, your thyroid. All these things are very, very important.” – Dr. Rakesh Nanda The use of bioidentical hormone therapy is very popular in the United States. In fact, the The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) reports that about 1.4 million women are currently using this treatment, and – unsurprisingly – 40% of hormone therapy prescriptions are written for women who are going through menopause. Bioidentical hormone therapy can be administered in a number of ways, including pills, creams, patches, and pellet implants. One particular company that is at the forefront of bioidentical hormone therapy innovation is BioTe Medical. What Is BioTE Medical? According to its website, “BioTE Medical is one of the nation’s leaders in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, with over one million insertions performed.” Every pellet that BioTe produces has a unique composition of hormones that are customized to meet each patients’ personal needs. What’s more, BioTe’s hormone pellet therapy does not use any synthetic hormones, which decreases the likelihood of a negative side effect or reaction. By using pellets instead of pills or creams, BioTe’s subcutaneous method of administration continuously releases hormones throughout the day and night, creating a more consistent, predictable result. Where To Get BioTe Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy? According to BioTE Medical, they only use highly specialized pharmacies that are registered with the FDA in every step of their development process. Additionally, the pellet used in the BioTE hormone therapy delivery method is compliant with the FDA’s process of sterility and endotoxin control. Because BioTe is the industry’s gold standard in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, its pellet products are not available over-the-counter or even at an average doctor’s office. Instead, BioTe hormone pellet therapy is only available at “Certified BioTe Medical Providers” – one of which is Jiva Med Spa in Columbus and Dayton. BioTe Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy At Jiva Med Spa If you’re considering BioTe Medical hormone pellet therapy, Jiva Med Spa is the #1 place to go in Ohio. Typically, patients begin the process of BioTe hormone pellet therapy with a complementary consultation with our Medical Director, Dr. Rakesh Nanda. First, you’ll complete a questionnaire about your medical history and symptoms you’re experiencing, then we’ll conduct a full blood panel to identify your exact hormone levels so we can customize a specific treatment plan that’s unique to you. If you decide to move forward with BioTe hormone pellet therapy, treatment can begin right away. It takes Dr. Nanda less than five minutes to insert the BioTe pellet subcutaneously under the skin, and you can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Most patients usually notice a reduction of symptoms within the first few weeks. Four weeks after your first pellet insertion, you’ll have a follow-up appointment to determine if the BioTe pellet is working for you. You’ll be asked to fill out another questionnaire and complete another blood panel so we can analyze your newly adjusted hormone levels. During the first year of BioTe treatment, you can expect to receive three to four pellet insertions on a quarterly basis. Although you can choose to stop BioTe hormone pellet therapy at any time, your hormones will return to their previous levels and symptoms may return. For Women And Men Alike, BioTe Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy Is A Life-Changer If you’re experiencing the symptoms of menopause or andropause, or if you simply want to make sure your hormones are functioning at an optimal level as we go into the holiday season, feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation at Jiva Med Spa in our Columbus or Dayton office. We’ll be happy to discuss your options and create a customized plan that will work for you. Simply call us at (614) 421-7546 (Columbus) or (937) 705-9430 (Dayton), or fill out the “Contact Us” form to get started.